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Comfortably Clueless

Thursday, Jun. 12, 2008 4:02 AM

It's bad enough that Senator John McCain can't tell the difference between al-Qaeda and Quds Force, Shiite and Sunni, and thinks staying in Iraq for 100 years (or even 1000) is a workable strategy.

But Arizona's senior moment senator clearly needs help after observing that bringing the troops home is 'not too important.'

FOX's E.D. Hill responded to criticism of her calling the Barack-Michelle Obama fist jab as 'a terrorist fist jab' by saying it wasn't her personal opinion.

No, she just repeated 'someone else's' words without attribution, and without mentioning it in the segment that followed.

The average blogger has better journalistic standards.

CBS' Katie Couric is jumping on the 'blame the sexist media' bandwagon, with a commentary criticizing the aforementioned for putting the screws to Hillary Rodham Clinton's campaign.

"It isn't just Hillary Clinton who needs to learn a lesson from this primary season � it's all the people who crossed the line, and all the women and men who let them get away with it," Couric remarks.

Katie, if you want to fire off criticism of this nature, you'd better take a long, hard look at your sock puppet routine for the Bush Administration. Few names in the media have cause to hold their heads high of late, especially the anchor of the evening newscast that's in last place.

Let's get it straight - first and foremost, the blame for Hillary Clinton's failed run at the nomination must begin with the candidate.

Courtesy of Bruce Schneier's Security Blog - the latest idiocy from the TSA.

Passengers refusing to show a valid photo ID will no longer be allowed through the gate into the terminal, but if you happen to have lost or forgotten your ID, you can still get in.

Thus, if you object to having to show your ID, you can't get into the terminal. Claim to have forgotten or lost your ID, and it's okay.

This is keeping us safe?

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