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They Hate Us For Our Donuts?

Thursday, May. 29, 2008 3:54 AM

From the Fear Makes You Stupid Department, the continuing saga of the Rachael Ray commercial for Dunkin' Donuts, in which Ray wears a scarf that conservative columnist Michelle Malkin likened to the keffiyah worn by the late Yasser Arafat.

Fearing a boycott or other backlash, Dunkin' Donuts has pulled the ad rather than stand up against the ridiculous fear-mongering served up by Malkin and her ilk.

Malkin attests that her keen eye is the kind of vigilance that will defend America and suggests that we ignore such imagery at our peril, and implies that people who don't see Ray's scarf as an insidious sign of creeping Islam are 'apologists' for the Palestinian jihad.

Apparently, there are hordes of terrorists lurking in your backyard, just waiting for the folks at Dunkin' Donuts to give the green light so they can replace America with some kind of Islamic Paradise under Shari'a Law overnight.

Oh, and you can get your own keffiyah/shemagh here.

Another clueless comment comes from actress Sharon Stone, who wondered out loud if the devastating earthquake in China was simply karma coming home to roost.

Stone's remark was made outside the annual amFAR fundraiser at the Cannes Film Festival.

In his remarks before the graduating class at the Air Force Academy, President Bush described Iraq and Afghanistan as a case of 'learning as we go.'

Kind of like a five year-old driving a semi down the interstate during rush hour, I guess.

And a Boot to the Head to the media for trotting out analysts to tell us what Scott McClellan really meant to say, and what it means for the Bush Administration.

The White House has chosen not to address the substantive content of McClellan's allegations, but instead seek to portray the former spokesman as 'disgruntled.'

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi suggested that the lies became 'too heavy for (McClellan) to carry.' Okay, Nancy - if you knew Bush was lying, if there's proof of the gross incompetence and malfeasance otherwise known as 'high crimes and misdemeanors,' why are you still refusing to initiate impeachment proceedings?

Here's how the primary season is going to shake out.

If the DNC decides against Hillary Clinton regarding Florida and Michigan, she'll stay in the race and force a confrontation at the convention.

If the DNC decides in her favor, she will still lack a solid lock on the nomination, and lead to a confrontation at the convention.

I don't really think Hillary has the character to gracefully concede, not when she's still playing the blame-everyone-else game.

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