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Hillary Won't Quit

Tuesday, May. 06, 2008 3:52 AM

Today are the Democratic primaries in Indiana and North Carolina, and the media has been doing their usual sloppy job, describing it as Hillary Rodham Clinton's 'final chance' to secure the nomination.

Baloney. And I'm not saying that because I'm supporting Hillary - I'm saying it because I think she wants to be president so bad that she'll claw and fight every last inch, even if it destroys the party. She's lied (sniper fire), she's cheated (remaining on the ballot in Michigan), and even tried to browbeat superdelegates. Then there's her insistence that her 'gas tax holiday' idiocy is anything but that.

Okay, I understand First Lady Laura Bush is looking forward to daughter Jenna's upcoming wedding, but the middle of a news conference on the still-climbing death toll in Myanmar is not the place to gush about the Big Event.

A Boot to the Head for syndicated columnist Katherine Kersten, who takes a shot at blaming Grand Theft Auto IV for all of society's ills, as it appeals to the dark, sadistic side of our natures - the same lurking evil that gave us the Holocaust and Abu Ghraib.

Um, hate to break it to you, Katherine, but Abu Ghraib was brought to you by flag-waving, God fearing Americans like Donald Rumsfeld, not a bunch of kids raised on Grand Theft Auto. John Yoo, the man who wrote the memo authorizing torture is a law school professor. (Of course, one of the most vocal critics of the series has been 'lawyer' Jack Thompson, so having a law degree clearly isn't what it used to be.)

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