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Kick The Can Democrats

Monday, Apr. 28, 2008 4:02 AM

From the So What? Department, the media keeps reporting that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, and DNC Chairman Howard Dean are saying the whole Democratic nominee dustup will be settled by June.

Quite a few promises have been made by Democratic leaders, and damned little has been done other than play Kick-the-Can. Vote Democratic in 2006, we'll get our troops out of Iraq! Kick. Vote Democratic in 2006, we'll hold the Bush Administration accountable! Kick. Now it's Vote Democratic in 2008, and we'll get our troops out of Iraq.


I don't care if Annie Leibowitz' photos of Miley Cyrus - aka Disney's Hannah Montana - were supposed to be 'artistic.'

What the frack is a 15 year-old girl doing posing topless in a 'professional' magazine shoot?

I'd like to know what, exactly, makes Reverend Jeremiah Wright 'controversial' as far as the media is concerned. Instead of repeating the 'Wright says his remarks were taken out of context,' perhaps the media needs to play something more than the isolated 'God damn America' soundbite and stop manufacturing the 'controversy' they keep reporting.

Afghan President Hamid Karzai has dodged the bullet again, escaping another assassination attempt.

It's nice to know we laid the groundwork for their developing democracy by abandoning our efforts to run al-Qaeda to ground so we could piss around in Iraq.

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