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The Idiot Driving The Bus

Friday, Apr. 18, 2008 3:53 AM

On the subject of Iraq ...

"And so, so long as I'm the President, my measure of success is victory and success," President Bush affirmed during a press availability with British Prime Minister Gordon Brown.

Bush's remarks also continued the we're-fighting-al-Qaeda/we've-defeated-al-Qaeda and Iran-has-a-nuclear-weapons-program memes.

Mr. Bush? Shut up. You're a war criminal by your own admission, and those actions alone have defiled the office far more than all of your predecessors combined.

Mr. Bush also thinks he has ten more months left in his presidency.

It's mid-April, with just over eight months left in the year. The inauguration will be in January of 2009. At best, that's nine months.

Perhaps you should consider how 'twenty-five to life' sounds on your tongue.

The General Accounting Office (you know, those pesky people who keep telling us about cost overruns and corruption in Iraq) has released a report titled, "The United States Lacks a Comprehensive Plan to Destroy the Terrorist Threat and Close the Safe Haven in Pakistan's Federally Administered Tribal Areas."

That's the title.

Continuing my dislike of CBS News' election coverage ad campaign, there's another ad that features Katie Couric praising Bob Schieffer - as if she were giving her approval.

On this day in 1906, a massive quake and the ensuing fire nearly destroyed San Francisco. Just this past week, the USGS warned that we could face a magnitude 6.0 or greater quake in the Bay Area within the next 30 years.

Now's a good as time as any to make sure you have an emergency plan and supplies on hand.

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