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If It's A Debate, Where Are The Issues?

Thursday, Apr. 17, 2008 4:07 AM

In the midst of last night's debate between presidential hopefuls Senators Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama, Clinton continued to offer the lame excuse of being sleep deprived as the reason she waxed poetic about her harrowing adventures under sniper fire in Bosnia. Clinton also tried again to misconstrue Obama's statement about 'God and guns.'

But heaven forfend that the question of President Bush's own admission that he both knew of and approved of the decisions made in secret meetings about torturing prisoners should be brought up. No, we got nothing but superficial bullshit about flag pins and firebrand preachers.

Which may explain the Washington Post poll that shows a majority of voters think Hillary Rodham Clinton is dishonest.

Did we really need a poll to tell us this?

The only word I can think of to describe President Bush's comments upon Pope Benedict XVI's visit to the White House is disgusting. Bush praised America's committment to freedom and democracy, as well as condemning 'moral relativism' - neglecting that his own mealy-mouthed stand on torture and insistence on illegal surveillance demeans the first two and embodies the third.

A Boot to the Head for CBS News' current 'trust us for election coverage' ad, which starts with a photo of Katie Couric giving us her bug-eyed zombie look ... and then switches to a photo of Walter Cronkite as the ad copy mentions said trust.

You know it's bad when you have to pimp the image of a respected former anchor to sell one whose contribution to media history is not telling us 'the way it is,' but to assure us that Condoleezza Rice is 'scary smart' and follow General Petraeus about on one of his dog-and-pony marketplace tours. (Anyone notice that since violence has gone down/spiked and we've surged/paused that Petraeus isn't giving those tours anymore?)

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