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Ashamed To Be An American?

Monday, Apr. 14, 2008 7:16 AM

No one in the media should be proud of their inane prattling over Sen. Barack Obama's supposed 'elitist' comment when we have President Bush admitting that he knew and approved of secret meetings on torturing American prisoners.

This isn't 'a few bad apples' at Abu Ghraib. This is the widespread, deliberate intent to ignore our laws and pay lip service to standards of conduct that once defined a proud nation.

We have no right to imagine ourselves as a Christian nation, no right to be proud of this country while this stain goes unnoticed and unacted upon.

Former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales is having trouble finding a new job, it seems.

Maybe he ought to consider making license plates.

National Security Advisor Stephen Hadley is, at best, confused, repeatedly talking about the push for President Bush to boycott the opening ceremonies of the Summer Olympics in Beijing due to China's policies in Nepal.

He should have said Tibet.

And the media does us no favors by editing out Hadley's gaffe, just as they lopped out the 'um ... um ... ah ...' from Bush's pre-Katrina briefing.

So back to the Obama dustup. Because Obama rightly identified that rural voters will focus on core issues - in this case, 'God and guns' - in light of political promises that end up being empty show, he's being called 'condescending' and 'elitist'.

By none other than Ms. Making-$15-million-a-year Hillary Rodham Clinton, who says Obama's words prove he's 'out of touch' with America.

Oh, you mean like a clueless bint who approves of an ad hawking the ominous 3 AM phone call advising of a domestic economic crisis, when the nation's banks and financial institutions are CLOSED? That kind of 'out of touch'?

That Clinton made these remarks while attending a 'Compassion Summit' in Pennsylvania is even more offensive. (Obama was also in attendance.)

I don't know about other parts of the country, but I had to run up to the mall this weekend to replace a pair of falling-apart Nikes.

The parking lot at the mall and at adjacent shopping areas was surprisingly empty. The drive home was on a freeway devoid of its usual end-of-weekend crush.

If people aren't spending money and aren't going to the malls, we're definitely in a recession.

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