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Rock, Chop Jayhawks!

Tuesday, Apr. 08, 2008 3:50 AM

Congratulations to the Kansas Jayhawks, who won the NCAA Basketball Championships by beating Memphis 75-68 in overtime.

It's time for the third annual Movie Plot Threat Contest over at Bruce Schneier's Security Blog.

This year, the challenge is to exploit an irrational fear and come up with a fictional product to protect the consumer against that fear.

So our 'commander on the ground,' General David Petraeus, and Ambassador Ryan Crocker, are back in Washington, D.C. to give their assessment of the Surge.

It's expected that they'll recommend placing a hold on further troop withdrawals, making all of President Bush's promises about bringing our troops home evident as empty promises. Yet we keep believing that 'six more months' will make a difference (the next round of 'six more months' will bring us into October, and the home stretch for the presidential campaigns) without a plan. (I maintain that 'sit there and get shot at while we wait for the Iraqis to get their thumbs out' is not a plan.)

Continued protests worldwide along the route for the Olympic Torch relay may cause officials to cancel the remainder of the relay.

Meanwhile, President Bush plans on attending the Opening Ceremonies and Summer Games in their entirety, with Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice remarking that the event is a positive moment for the Chinese people as they ascend to the world stage.

May I recommend you read something like China Wakes, by Nicholas Kristoff and Sheryl WuDunn before you wax poetic about how wonderful life is for the Chinese people, Ms. Rice?

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