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Monday, Mar. 24, 2008 4:14 AM

We have crossed another grim threshhold, that of 4,000 American military deaths in this digusting spectacle we've been dismissing as a necessary, even critical, battleground in the Global War on Terror. Yet we have our elected representatives telling us all is well, the Surge is working, progress is being made, and we're winning. Oh, and we're fighting them there so we don't have to fight them here.

I sometimes wonder that last bit is more that the idiots and enablers who brought us the USA PATRIOT Act, the Protect AT&T America Act, 'Patriot Day' (9/11), 'Loyalty Day' (5/1), and other fascist-sounding pop hits simply don't want the competition.

FOX News' Sean Hannity got schooled by Malik Shabazz of the New Black Panther Party. Hannity intended to paint Rev. Jeremiah Wright with the extremist black nutjob brush, likening him to Nation of Islam firebrand Louis Farrakhan, 'one of the biggest racists and anti-Semites in the country.'

Shabazz pointed out Hannity has a friendship with one Hal Turner, a noted neo-Nazi. Faster than Peter denied Christ, Hannity denied any relationship with Turner, then also mumbled that he wasn't running for president. Turner, of course, came out and said he and Sean were old buddies, and that Hannity shares, 'many of the same political and social views.'

Speaking of questionable past relationships - which admittedly has a distinctly McCarthy Era glow to it - The Nation reports that Senator Hillary Clinton has her own pastoral skeleton-in-the-closet, an association with a conservative Bible study group called, 'The Family.'

The Pentagon has done an about-face and decided to release their report showing that there was no link between Saddam Hussein and al-Qaeda prior to the start of our invasion of Iraq in 2003.

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