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Blogswarm v. Bubblezilla?

Wednesday, Mar. 19, 2008 3:44 AM

Science-fiction author Arthur C. Clarke has passed away at the age of 90. Clarke's 2001: A Space Odyssey was one of the first science-fiction novels I read, back in the 1970's.

On the eve of a speech marking the fifth anniversary of the war in Iraq, President Bush is insisting it's all been worth it. Because ... uh ... if we withdraw, um ... uh ... we'll embolden the terrorists who are ... uh ... being funded by Iran and ... um ... al-Qaeda would obtain the money to develop WMDs ... uh ... but we did it to overthrow Saddam and ... uh ... the critics are wrong because we're ... uh ... making progress and the surge is working ... um, uh ... and the cost estimates are being exaggerated.

Now, does anyone out there really think a blogswarm is going to pierce the private reality of George W. Bush, or provide the impetus for Congress to impeach him? We're five years into this debacle, and the failures of leadership that put us there were evident four years ago.

And why would we elect John McCain, who needed correcting by his boon companions Senators Lindsey Graham and Joe Lieberman after he attested Iran was training al-Qaeda and sending them back into Iraq. (McCain meant to say Iran was training insurgents.)

Hillary Rodham Clinton, not wanting to be upstaged by Barack Obama's speech on race and religion in America, trotted out her own comments, calling the issue of race, 'complicated.'

Actually, it's not. At the very least, it's a weak excuse, made weaker when Clinton admits that there have been 'pitfalls' along the campaign trail. (Like her husband and Geraldine Ferraro.)

The New York Times reports that FOX News' headquarters is full of pests. No, not the on-air talent, but an infestation of bedbugs.

An exterminator said the infestation was confined to a small portion of the newsroom, but that the infestation at one (unnamed) employee's home was the worst he'd seen in 25 years.

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