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I'm Not Your Homie

Friday, Mar. 07, 2008 3:38 AM

"What it be, Shadowgm?" asks the new and uglier-than-sin DiaryLand Members Area page.

Ahem. I am a customer, not your homie. Greet me respectfully, or I'll take my business elsewhere.

King George XLIII says he need not obtain the permission of Congress before striking an agreement with the Iraqi government over a permanent troop presence in Iraq, because that's covered by the Authorization to Use Military Force.

Never mind that the Constitution of the United States clearly states that Congress retains an advise and consent role in the ratification of all treaties negotiated or agreed to by the Executive Branch.

And Queen Hillary continues to be oblivious to the fact that her insistence that delegates from Florida and Michigan be seated places her firmly in Bush World, where the rules don't apply to the King or Queen.

Only slightly more disturbing is the Democratic habit of conciliatory behavior, with the DNC hinting that they'll seat those delegates if the states agree to hold their primaries or caucuses again.

I'm sorry, these states knew the rules, agreed to the rules, and are now whining because the DNC enforced those rules. And I rather fancy the thought of an election where we're not quibbling over recounts at any stage in the process.

And I don't buy Hillary's argument that Florida and Michigan voters thought their votes would count. Their defiance and the consequences were well-known in advance. Let's focus instead that Hillary ignored the DNC's instructions to withdraw from the Michigan race - winning a primary that all other candidates had properly withdrawn from.

The Ministry has received 1 comment(s) on this topic.

Brin - 2008-03-07 10:26:41
For me, the autogreeting reads "What it be, Bindyree" which is somewhat more alliterative, but as the saying goes, a dog turd covered with frosting isn't a wedding cake; it's a frosted dog turd.