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An Affair to Remember?

Thursday, Feb. 21, 2008 3:54 AM

The Pentagon is saying they successfully shot down an ailing spy satellite last night, though final confirmation that a critical component (and the reason for the shoot-down operation) had been destroyed may not be available until later today.

FOX's Bill O'Reilly is drawing criticism for his comment on Michelle Obama's alleged remark that she wasn't proud of America by saying, "I don't want to go on a lynching party against Michelle Obama unless there's evidence."

I suppose it's not a surprising remark, coming from the man who was surprised that Black people eat with forks and weren't screaming obscenities when he dined at a Harlem restaurant with Rev. Al Sharpton, but it certainly shows a degree of cluelessness in the wake of the Jena Six controversy and then a golf commentator's poorly chosen remark about Tiger Wood's competitors needing to lynch him in order to win.

The New York Times reports that Senator John McCain may have had an extramarital affair with Vicki Iseman, a lobbyist for a firm representing telecom interests. Aides to McCain were apparently concerned that there was at least the appearance of impropriety at the time, and that it could damage his career. (Another aide denies that there were any such concerns.)

A response from McCain's campaign criticizes the New York Times without specifically denying any of the allegations, while Vicki Iseman's bio has been pulled from her employer's website.

And while President Bush's yammering about the deadline on renewing the Protect America Act (now New & Improved With Telecom Amnesty!) is nothing less than fear-mongering, we may be facing a far more serious deadline in Iraq, as the cease-fire being observed by forces loyal to Moqtada al-Sadr is slated to expire this weekend.

A survey from the American Research Group places President Bush's approval rating at an all-time low of 19% - below Richard Nixon's approval rating in the wake of the Watergate Scandal.

I know Bush wanted to keep expectations low, but really ...

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