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Who Cares What The People Think?

Wednesday, Feb. 20, 2008 3:57 AM

So the hopes of 'Inevitable Hillary' now come down to the March 4 primaries in Texas and Ohio, though her ultimate fate may be at the hands of the superdelegates.

For someone whose been running on a platform of working for change and working for the people, Clinton seems to be banking awfully hard on the superdelegates - who aren't bound by the popular vote.

And perhaps you've noticed that, having 'found her own voice,' Hillary is also losing it - a consequence of long hours on the campaign trail and, perhaps, bad speaking habits.

The Associated Press has fingered the Clinton campaign as the source of plagiarism rumors directed at the Obama campaign.

Obama apparently used lines from previous speeches given by Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick, who acknowledges that he shared the material with Obama's speechwriters. The Clinton campaign tried to pitch this as an example of Obama's lack of substantive ideas; instead, we have a friend and supporter offering words that may be relevant or timely, and not a candidate ripping off somebody for a few points.

A change in power in Cuba - an ailing Fidel Castro stepping down in favor of his brother, Raul - might strike you as a significant, if predictable, event.

So one wonders why President Bush, still on his tour of several African nations, sounds almost as bewildered as he did during the infamous briefing on Hurricane Katrina.

And in Pakistan, President Pervez Musharraf has drawn a Prime Minister from the opposition party - the widower of Benazir Bhutto - who isn't all that keen on Musharraf or his American allies and their 'war on terror'.

Then, Serbian officials insist that Kosovo will remain under their authority, by a show of force if necessary.

Does anyone get the feeling that these countries are destabilizing because America's might and moral authority are diminished by the war on terror?

The Navy may attempt the shoot-down of a failed spy satellite as early as today. The procedures are similar to anti-missile tests conducted several years ago. CBS News has pointed out that while the satellite is larger than a missile - about the size of a school bus - it is also moving about 200,000 miles faster than a missile would.

There's also a question as to how well a heat-seeking missile will target a satellite that's been inactive and sitting in Earth orbit for over a year.

The Ministry has received 1 comment(s) on this topic.

Brin - 2008-02-20 08:51:27
Hillary Clinton has one of those horrible speaking voices whose extremes can send bats careening into the sides of barns; just from a purely aesthetic standpoint, I don't think I could tolerate having to listen to her for four years. Or eight. Sigh.