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No Sense of Decency

Friday, Feb. 15, 2008 8:03 AM

In a show of gross disrespect for the late Congressman Tom Lantos, a Republican colleague called for a procedural vote in the middle of yesterday's memorial service for Lantos, forcing attending members to leave the service and return to the floor.

This was followed by the Republican caucus walking out en masse as a vote to hold two key Bush Administration aides - Harriet Miers and Josh Bolten - in contempt for failing to respond to subpoenas asking for their testimony regarding the firing of eight U.S. attorneys. (You know, the firings that then-Attorney General Alberto Gonzales could remember anything about, and which pertinent e-mails were conveniently stored on an illegal, secondary server and then 'lost'.)

This is the same party that trumpeted the 'rule of law' back in 2000.

And it's the party of our Chief Executive, who continues to lie about how Congress' refusal to put telecom immunity in a revised FISA bill endangers Americans by preventing the government from spying on terrorist communications.

Except we've always been able to spy on them, with a 72-hour grace period for the filing of a warrant, as FISA originally stood before any of the nonsense in the 'Protect AT&T America Act.' It's just that Alberto Gonzales found filing for warrants inconvenient.

As Senator Edward Kennedy has pointed out, if the legislation is so essential, why has Mr. Bush threatened to veto it if it does not contain immunity for actions that Bush won't even admit the telecoms have taken? Wouldn't that mean protecting Americans is secondary to protecting the telecoms?

That blend of State and Corporate interests is the very definition of fascism, straight from Benito Mussolini.

A fascist and a liar sits in the Oval Office. (Kudos to Keith Olbermann for stating the same during last night's broadcast.)

There was a kerfuffle about how Barry Bonds failed a drug test for steroids prior to his breaking the career home run record last year.

It turns out that was due to a typo in the court papers, and referred instead to a test in November of 2000, which had been revealed in previously-included court documents.

After telling us there was minimal danger posed by a failing spy satellite whose orbit is decaying and will inevitably re-enter our atmosphere and crash to Earth, Pentagon officials now say that there are toxic substances (specifically, a fuel called hydrazine) aboard the satellite, and that they need to shoot it down.

I'm not sure if this involves the missile defense system that was tested a few years back and succeeded only because officials adjusted the parameters of the test after the test had concluded.

Mitt Romney has thrown his support to John McCain, showing how empty this whole process is becoming, as Romney and McCain traded barbs about who was the real conservative.

I guess Mitt hates McCain less than he does Mike Huckabee, whom Romney was trying to out-Jesus.

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