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Six Months From Now ...

Monday, Feb. 04, 2008 4:11 AM

Six months from now, will we be seeing a change in Iraq? That's what conservative pundits, President Bush, and General David Petraeus seem to think. Six months more. Six months more.

Six months from February, we'll be three months away from electing a new president, who will inherit the real legacy of the Bush Administration - a national debt that has doubled in eight years, two mismanaged wars, and an economy that's looking grim. (If the 'six more months' begins with Petraeus' next dog-and-pony show before Congress in April, then we'll be in October.)

It's ironic that Senator Arlen Specter is more concerned over the NFL destroying tapes implicating the New England Patriots in spying on their opponents, but when the CIA destroys tapes involving torturing prisoners, a far more serious allegation - Specter isn't exactly leading the percussion section.

And what was with the piece on FOX News praising George W. Bush? Said piece not only compared Bush's presidency to that of Abraham Lincoln, but described our tongue-tied, malapropism-laden C-Student-in-Chief as having given some of the most moving and eloquent speeches ever.

That's right up there with CBS News touting Katie Couric as part of the 'most experienced' election night team.

Big Brother is watching you. Or at least the NSA is.

I don't, for a second, believe that this monitoring is limited to federal systems. The Bush Administration has systematically undone Constitutional protections and ignored federal law as it suits them, so there's no reason to believe they'd be doing anything differently here.

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