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How This Surge Thing Supposed To Work, Again?

Thursday, Jan. 10, 2008 3:50 AM

I think it's safe to say that whatever victory looks like, it doesn't resemble over ten casualties in ten days. By January 4, we'd already lost four soldiers, and in the past two days, we've lost nine more (six to an IED in the midst of Operation Phantom Phoenix, a new offensive directed at al-Qaida forces).

It's also been pointed out that the IED was in a house, which means the enemy knew we were coming. How is it that they're getting better intel than we are?

And Mark Kimmitt, the Deputy Secretary of Defense for Middle Eastern Affairs, said that a lasting impact of the surge into 2008 is a 50-50 thing, 'if we play our cards right.'

But nothing works quite as well as repeating an ineffective strategy, so we're apparently planning a surge in Afghanistan, too.

And it's a familiar 'mission' - we're going in to train their police and military while combatting the Taliban insurgency.

So, if, as Hillary told her supporters the other day, she's 'found her own voice' after her emotional I'm Doing This For America Moment, what, exactly, have we been wasting our time listening to for the past year?

And, frankly, winning New Hampshire after losing Iowa is not a 'comeback.' Not for Hillary, not for John McCain.

A comeback is being down 3-0 in the World Series and winning four straight to take it, not trading the first two states in the primaries.

It's ironic that while Obama and Hillary are both pitching themes of 'change' and 'hope,' President Bush is in the Middle East trying to sell the same thing. (Mr. Bush has frequently tried to pitch his freedom agenda as being about hope, or offering a hopefuller future, etc.)

At the same time, Hillary seems to be learning how to imitate George's irritating head-bobble to emphasize a point.

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