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Just A Closer Caucus With Thee?

Thursday, Jan. 03, 2008 4:01 AM

Yes, we know the Iowa Caucus has long been seen as an indicator as to the viability of a candidate, but after a year of bloviating from Democratic and Republican aspirants, I'm singularly underwhelmed.

I've yet to hear a compelling argument for any of these clowns, or see leadership that consists of something more than slick populism and sniping at each others' credentials (including the bizarre 'I'm A Better Christian Than You Are' dance).

I think it's fair to say Mike Huckabee can kiss the labor vote goodbye, as he crossed the WGA picket line to appear on the Jay Leno show.

Guests appearing on the Letterman show are doing so without running afoul of pickets, as Letterman's production company struck a deal with their writers.

Privacy International, based in the U.K., and the Electronic Privacy Information Center, based here in the states, have released a map showing the worst offenders in terms 'surveillance societies' and civil liberties.

Both the U.S. and U.K. achieved the lowest rating, with 'endemic surveillance,' though the U.S. received a modest mark for what's left of its Constitutional protections.

The price of oil briefly rose above $100 in trading yesterday, before dropping back below the mark by day's end.

Attorney General Michael Mukasey has called for an investigation of the destruction of CIA interrogation tapes.

But let's not get ahead of ourselves. The investigation isn't addressing the underlying issue - the use of waterboarding and other extreme techniques, an issue which Mukasey took great pains to tap dance around during his confirmation hearing.

So I would expect that the investigation will explicitly not touch upon anything that would require Mukasey to weigh in on that issue.

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