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All Is Not As It Cheemas ...?

Wednesday, Jan. 02, 2008 3:47 AM

The New York Times reports that Saudi officials have arrested a Saudi blogger for writing comments critical of the government and its treatment of political prisoners.

Officials have asked Fouah al-Farhan to apologize.

"An apology for what?" al-Farhan wrote. "Apologizing because I said the government is a liar when they accused those guys to be supporting terrorism?�

Pakistan's Interior Ministry has backpedaled on their claim that former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto died after whacking her head on a handle for her limousine's sunroof.

Spokesman Javed Iqbal Cheema now says they will wait for the forensic report by investigators, and that his previous remarks were 'based on the initial investigation' and what doctors had told him.

Author J.K. Rowling has dropped hints that she may write an eighth 'Harry Potter' book, but don't go queuing up outside your local bookstore just yet.

Rowling says it may be as many as ten years off, and perhaps about characters other than Hogwarts' preeminent boy wizard.

And is anyone else wholly unimpressed by Hillary Rodham Clinton's new tagline about being ready to get to work on day one?

Apart from echoing President Bush's 'we've got a lot of work to do' from 2000, it's foolish to mistake 'day one' for ability, or an assurance of a productive term in office.

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