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War, On Christmas?

Tuesday, Dec. 25, 2007 12:48 AM

I'm finding it difficult to simply wish people a Merry Christmas.

It largely has to do with what passes for Christianity of late. We have politicians trying to one-up each other and impress us with their spiritual credentials. We have others calling for a resolution denouncing bigotry and persecution against Christians, but then failing to show up for their own vote.

But the one that sticks in my craw is that this Christian nation, founded on Christian principles by Christian men (or so the Christians insist) seems to be fumbling for the moral ground whereupon we say torture is wrong, it is illegal, and we do not endorse it under any circumstances.

Somehow, I don't think Christ, who was himself tortured as a political exercise and then put to death, is particularly honored by our silence on this issue.

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