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Christian Thuggery

Saturday, Dec. 15, 2007 12:41 AM

Well, that didn't take long.

Flush with his success in getting H.R. 847 passed, Rep. Steve King of Iowa was on Alan Colmes' radio show and said we should be teaching Christianity in our schools.

"If you teach American history, you cannot teach it without teaching Christianity," he explained.

I hate to trot out the 'I Told You So' banner, but that disgusting resolution had nothing to do with honoring God or Christ Jesus or celebrating Christmas. It is the foundation for idiocy like this - insisting that Christianity should be inserted into the curriculum of our schools.

While we're recognizing the importance of Christmas and the significant contributions of Christians and Christianity, let us consider our next item, which begins with four Jewish students returning from a seasonal celebration on the New York subway. One of them is carrying a menorah.

Some Fine Upstanding Christian Kids Exhibiting Real Sensitivity (I use the term loosely, as the suspects are 19-20 years old) decide to wish the Jewish students a 'Merry Christmas' - not to share the spirit of the season, but as a snarky comment. The Jewish students politely responded with a sincere, 'Happy Hanukah.'

Whereupon said Fine Upstanding Christian Kids took offense, shouting at the Jewish students that they were responsible for killing their Savior and that they would burn in hell. One of the FUCKERS then spat on one of the Jewish youths to underscore his point; the Jewish kid calmly turned the other cheek.

And the FUCKERS laid into them.

But the fun continues as the only person to go to the aid of the Jewish youths was a Muslim man.

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