The Ministry of Shadows

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Domestic Spying

Monday, Nov. 26, 2007 3:55 AM

The Washington Post reports that federal officials are making routine requests to have telecommunications companies provide real-time tracking information on cell phones. Most notably, cell phones belonging to drug traffickers, fugitives, and other criminal suspects.

That this violates both Justice Department guidelines and Fourth Amendment protections seems to be ignored. It'd be nice to see the new Attorney General take aggressive and decisive action on this issue.

But, ultimately, I'm not expecting any, because the telecoms are still angling for an immunity clause in surveillance law.

Note that phone companies have been marketing tracking features as a substitute for parenting as well as for business owners with drivers and vehicles. So, gosh, how could it possibly be wrong?

Liberty. Hard won, now on sale. Clearance! Up to 50% off! Absolutely must go!

Australian Prime Minister John Howard, a staunch supporter of President Bush, lost the election to Labor Party candidate Kevin Rudd. Howard may even lose his seat in Parliament.

Rudd ran for office on a platform of bringing troops home from Iraq and combatting global warming.

Gah. That stupid IKEA ad about 'Home' is back in circulation.

This is the ad that waxes poetic about all the wonderful things home is ... and includes a shot of a beat-up shack built onto the back of a car.

'Cause you know IKEA sells stuff for places like that. You're functionally homeless, but, hey - you've got this nifty Swedish furniture ...

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