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Talking Turkey?

Friday, Nov. 23, 2007 4:05 AM

With our annual surfeit of turkey tucked away, scientists are now saying it's not the L-Tryptophan in the traditional turkey dinner that causes everyone to feel sleepy - it's the rest of the carbohydrate-heavy meal that's to blame, along with overeating, overdrinking, and being short on sleep.

By Monday (if not already), no one will care about the excerpt from Scott McClellan's new book that claims President Bush provided false information to him regarding the leaking of Valerie Plame's covert identity. The media will be abuzz with the usual holiday shopping kickoff and how many drunk driving arrests there were over the weekend.

Former Ambassador Joseph Wilson, Plame's husband, reminds us that divulging the identity of a covert CIA employee isn't just politics - it's treason.

On the other hand, CNN's Gloria Borger makes the rather inane statement that we should wait for Bush's memoirs for the whole story.

Right. Like he's finally going to tell us the truth.

Oh, look. Afghanistan is now joining Iraq in calling for all private security contractors to cease operation, as it's against the law.

This not only includes Blackwater USA, but other small firms that have popped up to capitalize on the need for security in the wake of an increased insurgency by the Taliban.

A couple of years ago, it was the staged trip to Iraq and a turkey made solely for a photo-op. This year, President Bush put in an appearance in Virginia, before an invitation-only audience, to ask Americans to 'give back'.

Look, you colossal dunderhead - it's your signature that vetoed healthcare for children. It's your stubbornness that stands in the way of veterans' benefits, because you don't want to be accountable for your train wreck of a war.

And you want America to 'give back'?

With the deficit you've saddled this country with, we'll be giving back when our children's grandchildren are ready to retire.

Thanks a lot.

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