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Making Us Safer?

Friday, Nov. 16, 2007 4:05 AM

Considering how often we're told that we're at war, and there are horrible, evil people who want nothing more than to attack our country and kill Americans, it makes no sense for President Bush to allow access to military airspace during the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays as a stop-gap measure to address chronic flight delays on major airlines.

Yes, we understand that if a plane were hijacked by terrorists that they wouldn't give a damn about military or restricted airspace, but why make it easier for them?

Barry Bonds has been indicted on four counts of perjury and one count of obstruction of justice, based on documents seized from BALCO Labs.

At the center of the indictment is a blood test showing positive results for anabolic steroids, which apparently negates Bonds' claim that he never knowingly used banned substances.

This will undoubtedly fuel further tongue-waggling about how Bonds' topping Hank Aaron's home-run record is All Because Of Steroids, a stance that dumbs the feat down to one of simple arm strength, as opposed to a complex relationship of the pitch, the timing of the swing, and hand-eye coordination.

Okay, so I guessed wrong. Dianne Feinstein actually did something sensible and supported the Democratic stand against placing telecom immunity in the revised FISA bill, leaving it for our Boy King to veto the bill and throw his usual fit of petulance.

Another Democratic debate, another morning of 'inevitable Hillary' with your morning coffee.

"They're not attacking me because I'm a woman, they're attacking me because I'm ahead," Hillary quipped.

Um, no - they're attacking you because your stance on key issues changes from week-to-week and poll-to-poll.

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