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Um ... So I Said ... Ah ... Um ...

Thursday, Nov. 08, 2007 5:16 AM

During press availability prior to his dinner with France's President Nicholas Sarkozy, President Bush was asked about his stance on Pakistan and General Pervez Musharraf's declaration of a state of emergency.

Bush explained that he'd spoken to Musharraf 'just before coming here' ... but then stammered through a recap of the call, as if he were either making up a story or could not remember the simple and pressing details of a country in turmoil.

A country whose nuclear weapons are now in danger of falling into the grasp of religious extremists like the Taliban and al-Qaeda.

In the meantime, the media has distilled it down to this brilliant statement:

Bush tells Musharraf that he cannot be president and head of the military at the same time.

It'd be more effective if the criticism came from someone who hadn't gone around blathering that, "I'm the commander guy," or "I'm the Decider!"

And when asked whether or not Iraq is a quagmire, Bush answered an entirely different question.

"If you lived in Iraq and had lived under a tyranny, you'd be saying, 'God, I love freedom,' because that's what happened," Bush asserted with his usual hyuk-hyuk cowboy head bobble.

"And there are killers and radicals and murderers who kill the innocent to stop the advance of freedom. But freedom�s happening in Iraq. And we�re making progress," he added.

Pssst. George - the majority of Iraqis are Muslim. It's a faith other than Christianity, and they don't refer to the guy upstairs as 'God.' They call Him Allah.

And when there are still death squads roaming about, no electricity, contaminated water, and projects tainted by corruption occuring on our watch, I don't consider that progress.

Dianne Feinstein was on CNN the other day, explaining her vote to confirm Michael Mukasey.

It's because he's '... so bright and independent.'

He's so bright he can't define waterboarding as torture, and so independent that he won't offer an opinion on waterboarding because Mr. Bush told him he doesn't know what he's talking about.

Yeah, that makes sense.

Shirley MacLaine has come out in support of Dennis Kucinich, affirming that she, too, believes in UFOs.

Not exactly the kind of endorsement you'd want when running for president.

On the other hand, Pat Robertson has come out in support of Rudy Giuliani.

And let's not forget that Nancy Reagan had a firm belief in astrology.

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