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No Nobel For Rush

Wednesday, Oct. 17, 2007 3:51 AM

From the Unclear on the Concept Department comes the Landmark Legal Foundation's nomination of conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh for the Nobel Peace Prize.

The Foundation nominated Limbaugh, who sits on Landmark's board of directors, back in February, citing his two decades of '... tireless efforts to promote liberty, equality and opportunity for all mankind, regardless of race, creed, economic stratum or national origin.'

Unfortunately for Limbaugh, the nominations don't work that way.

And after reading my daily dose of political news and bloggery, it's occurred to me there's an abuse of the English language in the term 'bipartisan'.

The definition for partisan is 'a firm adherent to a party, faction, cause, or person, especially one exhibiting blind, prejudiced, and unreasoning allegiance.

Yet bipartisan is held to be cooperation between two groups, ignoring the pejorative connotations of the word from which it is derived.

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