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The Worst Thing You Can Do ...

Tuesday, Oct. 02, 2007 1:25 AM

Former senator Fred Thompson told an audience at a campaign event that Saddam Hussein clearly possessed WMD's and an active nuclear weapons program prior to the kickoff to war in 2003.

A program that proved to be non-existant, and weapons of mass destruction that didn't exist. Or were magically shipped off to Syria, or buried under the sand, or something.

Foreign Policy Grade: F
Fundamental Honesty: F

And speaking of people existing in their own private reality, Homeland Security Director Michael Chertoff - who brought us the Summer of Fear Tour 2007, featuring the Amazing Gut Feeling Band - says the proposed border fence between the U.S. and Mexico is good for the environment.

""Illegal migrants really degrade the environment. I've seen pictures of human waste, garbage, discarded bottles and other human artifact in pristine areas," he said. "And believe me, that is the worst thing you can do to the environment."

Carol Anne Gotbaum died while in police custody at the airport in Phoenix, Arizona. The 45-year old mother of three apparently managed to strangle herself while trying to get free from her handcuffs.

Gotbaum arrived too late to board her flight, and caused enough of a disturbance that she had to be forced to the ground and restrained.

The police claim she was placed in an unmonitored holding cell, where she continued to yell, and then fell silent after 5-10 minutes, when she was found unconscious.

The police later added the small detail that Gotbaum was not only handcuffed, but shackled to a bench, with a chain running from her handcuffs to an eyehook in the wall ... but maintain that she was found unconscious 'with her hands pressed against her neck area.'

Sounds fishy to me. (I'm waiting for the next installment, wherein police announce that she actually managed to become entangled in the chain that ran between her handcuffs and the wall.)

The new Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Michael Mullen, says he wants to prepare the military for what comes after Afghanistan and Iraq. Mullen replaces Marine General Peter Pace.

"The fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan will one day end. We must be ready for who and what comes after," Mullen stated in a ceremony presided over by President Bush.

Did Mr. Bush tell you he doesn't expect things in Iraq to wind up for another decade or two?

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