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This Is A Blog. Too Bad.

Monday, Sept. 17, 2007 12:46 AM

A Boot to the Head to the producer or staff member who responded thusly to a viewer's complaint about CBS Evening News anchor Katie Couric's recent 'in depth' reporting from Iraq.

"Actually most intelligent people were very impressed by the quality of our reports from Iraq and Syria �Apparently you missed most of the interviews that were done over there�imagine you got your information from a blog somewhere�"

Two downchecks, the first for the appalling insult to the viewer's intelligence. With Couric's ratings tanking nightly, I doubt you can afford to discard any viewers.

The second is for the snide remark about blogs and the implication that their information is neither real, of substantive quality, or up to journalistic standards. We certainly know Katie's blog isn't, as she got caught plagiarizing a WSJ column back in April. (Oh, wait, it was an unnamed producer, who was told to fall on their sword fired.)

There are plenty of blogs written by knowledgeable people, such as Glenn Greenwald's legal perspectives, or Bruce Schneier's commentary on computer security issues. MediaMatters works directly from transcripts of network and cable programs.

Boy, it keeps getting better.

NYT reporter Robert Draper is still promoting his forthcoming book on President George W. Bush, and apparently, the President considers himself a lonely man who reads a lot: 87 books, including newspapers (which he claims he doesn't read).

My ass.

I had difficulty believing Mr. Bush could manage 60 books in the space of a year; now, he's claiming to have increased his reading accomplishments by half?

But, hey, if you're counting newspapers, I'm sure that many pages counts as at least two books a month, multiplied by twelve months ... wow, that's 24 books for reading a single newspaper! And if I read two or three newspapers each day, that's as much as 72 books!

Mr. Bush reportedly also has a 'hidden' intelligence, masked by a stubbornness borne of insecurity and a 'scruffy charm' that includes talking with his mouth full.

This sounds like psychics whose powers won't work under scientific scrutiny. Bush claims to be intelligent, but when pressed, he gets stubborn because ...?

No, friends, Sally Field was not censored for speaking out against the war in Iraq.

Ms. Field's acceptance remarks during last night's Emmy Awards (aired on FOX) supposedly included a comment as to how, if mothers were in charge of the world, there'd be 'no goddamned wars in the first place.'

She got bleeped for saying 'goddamned.'

The Ministry has received 1 comment(s) on this topic.

Brin - 2007-09-17 11:21:39
You know, a couple of years ago, there was an internet predator in my life, whom I wrote about in detail. One of his other intended victims actually said to me "I love the person I know he could be." Um, blink blink WHAT? I wrote her off as a delusional [bleeeeeep].