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Promises, Promises

Tuesday, Sept. 04, 2007 5:29 AM

In an article discussing President Bush's future plans, Mr. Bush recounts not knowing how the disbanding of the Iraqi military came about, as it was American policy to leave it intact.

Apart from the usual observations about the serious memory problems experienced within this administration, none other than L. Paul Bremer - indirectly blamed for the disbanding move - has provided the New York Times with letters that show Mr. Bush was, in fact, involved with the decision.

In the Where's My Salt Lick Department, comes Mr. Bush's surprise visit to a remote airbase near Anbar Province in Iraq. The media is busy reporting Bush's statement hinting at possible draw-downs in force ... if things improve.

And if they don't, well, I guess everyone stays after class or something.

It's a fair statement, of course, but relatively content-free. There's no actual promise of dates, numbers, or anything. Not even progress.

Incidentally, Mr. Bush had to read those words, and did not meet the eyes of any soldiers as he did. Once he got back onto his scripted points, his head came up.

Boy, howdy, talk about coming late to the party. With talk that former Pakistan Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto may return to helm the country in a power-sharing agreement with General Pervez Musharraf (he would retain control of the military), a reporter observed that there were concerns about what might happen to Pakistan's nuclear arsenal if Musharraf is removed from power abruptly.

No, really? Christ on a crutch, I've only been wondering about that since we started jonesing for Saddam. But apparently, I was being alarmist or something.

And is it just me, or is the term, 'surprise unscheduled visit' one of those mangled terms that the media comes up with, like 'arson fire'?

The Ministry has received 1 comment(s) on this topic.

Brin - 2007-09-04 11:33:26
Surprised Unscheduled Visit. I visually see what you mean, Bob.:-P