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Going, Going, Gonzales!

Monday, Aug. 27, 2007 5:08 AM

According to the New York Times, Attorney General Alberto Gonzales has submitted his resignation.

A call out to certain Senate Democrats ... maybe you really, really want to think carefully about signing off on the next nominee for Attorney General.

Our Constitution is more important than giving Mr. Bush someone he can be buddy-buddy with.

Addendum, 6:38 AM: CNN is suggesting that Homeland Security's Michael Chertoff is a likely successor to Gonzales.

Nothing like placing another fear-mongering ideologue in the job to continue the trashing of the Constitution.

In the midst of the whole dustup about how Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki just isn't getting the job done, our elected leaders continue to ignore that fact that Iraq is - through our intervention - a democracy.

We have no place or right to call for al-Maliki's resignation or replacement. And we certainly shouldn't be giving free air time to Ayad Allawi as a possible successor.

But even more idiotic is this simple fact - if al-Maliki fails to meet the standards of democratic leadership, perhaps we need to look to our own house before trying to clean his?

Yet nobody seems to want to consider censure or impeachment of our own President, despite his many and evident failings (not the least of which was his 'gut feeling' that al-Maliki was The Guy for Iraq).

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