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RIP: Fred Saberhagen

Friday, Jul. 13, 2007 1:30 AM

Noted SF writer Fred Saberhagen passed away on June 29. Saberhagen is best remembered for his Berserker and Swords of Power series.

Okay, so my latest time-sink is not MLB '06: The Show, but Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, a fantasy roleplaying game with all the usual fixings, but an incredibly deep world that allows players to pursue assorted goals outside of the 'main quest'.

That depth extends to the environment � you can run (or ride a horse) across the realm and enjoy varied scenery from lush forests to frigid mountain trails. Look up at the night sky and see a changing starscape and moons in different phases.

And there's even game paths for players who don't want to necessarily hew to the straight and narrow. Rather than make static non-player characters that can't be harmed, you're free to park a dagger between anyone's shoulder blades. Kill a hapless innocent, and someone might be watching ��catapulting you into an unusual career.

(And, yes, I have a character that has followed that path.)

So, with White House Counsel Fred Fielding thumbing his nose at Congress in regards to Harriet Miers and others testifying about the U.S. attorney firings, I'd like to throw a dead fish on the table.

One of the most common arguments that pops up when surveillance ��whether it's the secret, warrantless wiretaps of the Bush Administration, or police cameras in high-crime areas � is, "If you're not doing anything wrong, why should you worry?"

And so, Mr. Bush, Mr. Cheney, and the lot of you � you're not doing anything wrong, are you? Why are you so adamant about hiding everything?

Admittedly, this is more of a comment on the stupidity of the argument as opposed to any actual finding of wrongdoing on the part of Messrs. Bush & Cheney, but there you have it. Hide it, lose it, forget it, or just plain don't know.

If you're all that goddamn stupid and careless, you really have no business being in office.

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