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Dick Cheney: When The Branch Breaks

Wednesday, Jun. 27, 2007 4:24 PM

So, Dick Cheney is not part of the Executive Branch.

Wait, no, he's kind of a crossover between the Legislative and Executive Branch.

No, no, no. He's actually just not an agency, excusing both the president and the vice-president from having to adhere to the executive order regarding the handling of national security information.

"(It) is not necessary in these circumstances to address the subject of any alternative reasoning," David Addington, Cheney's chief-of-staff, wrote in a brief letter to Senator John Kerry.

Then perhaps y'all ought to get your story straight before you start lying to the American public again. There's absolutely no reason why the answer should have been a straightforward, "We're sorry, but the order pertains only to agencies, and not the offices of the president or vice-president."

Having kicked off this little kerfuffle about not being a part of the Executive Branch only shows a blatant ignorance of basic civics, and casts your other answers into suspicious light.

Now it's up to the Democrats to pay attention and follow through on this latest example. It's a consistent pattern of bluster, denial, and selling wheelbarrows full of shit to Congress as well as the electorate. (Tell 'em something really fucking outrageous, change your story, then dial it back to a seemingly reasonable statement ��that's not how honest people talk � it's how liars talk.)

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