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Gingrich: Katrina Victims Too Stupid To Move

Monday, Mar. 05, 2007 12:34 AM

Newt Gingrich, speaking at the same conservative hootenanny at which Ann Coulter called John Edwards a 'faggot,' suggested that the folks impacted by Hurricane Katrina were too stupid to get out of the way.

"How can you have the mess we have in New Orleans, and not have had deep investigations of the federal government, the state government, the city government, and the failure of citizenship in the Ninth Ward, where 22,000 people were so uneducated and so unprepared, they literally couldn't get out of the way of a hurricane."

And, what, Mr. Gingrich, does that say about a president who can't remember the word 'hurricane' during a briefing on Hurricane Katrina?

Failure does not automatically start at the bottom. It can, and often does, begin at the top, where decisions are made and people expect leadership.

And when your ass is eighty years old and you're hobbling around on a walker, may you get flooded out and have someone question why that old coot Gingrich was too fucking stupid to move his fat ass out of the way.

You, sir, have forfeited any right to lead this country in any manner.

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