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Green Enough, Asian Enough, & Black Enough

Wednesday, Feb. 28, 2007 12:06 AM

Following the lead of that paragon of ethical and in-depth reporting, Matt Drudge, conservatives are taking joy in pointing out that Al Gore, Mr. Global Warming himself, used roughly twelve times as much energy as the average Nashville household (191,000 Kw/hrs vs. 15,600 Kw/hrs).

Does Al Gore's house really qualify as an 'average' household? It's not, for example, um, bigger? It wouldn't have features that aren't found in other homes, like satellite uplinks, editing suites, conference rooms, and the facilities to entertain a couple of hundred people, would it? Not to mention a security system and facilities for Gore's standing Secret Service detail.

Nonetheless, the conservative group Tennessee Center for Policy Research criticized former vice-president Gore for not doing enough to reduce his own 'carbon footprint', citing figures higher than those obtained by the Associated Press, above.

TCPR disputes global warming as a serious problem, and claims they obtained the figures to see if Al Gore is 'walking the walk'.

Except the Nashville Electric Service says the group never made a request for information, and the utility never provided information to them.

It would seem to me that there's a difference between equipping your house for solar or wind, and buying energy from a company which uses those methods to generate the energy that they then sell to you, the consumer. It isn't clear if Gore's house is, in fact, fitted with solar panels, or if he simply counts the purchase of 'green' energy as sufficiently doing his part.

A boot to the head to AsianWeek writer Kenneth Eng for his Friday column on, "Why I Hate Blacks."

In that column, which has been removed from the AsianWeek website, Eng lists a number of 'reasons' he hates black people, such as the fact that black people, like, call Asians names.

Eng has previously written columns such as, "Proof That Whites Inherently Hate Us."

Leaders in the Asian-American community are calling for the weekly paper to terminate their relationship with Eng, print an editorial refuting the column, and review its editorial policy.

Asian Week is owned by the Fang family, the folks who turned the San Francisco Examiner into a cheap tabloid, but are somehow politically important. And who, in an issue celebrating the 'family fun' to be found at the annual Bay to Breakers race, featured a page full of people's buttocks as they mooned the camera. (That ended the relationship with KPIX-TV as the official station of the race.)

So Rev. Al Sharpton's ancestors may have been owned at one time by Strom Thurmond's ancestors.

Since pundits like Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, and the Bay Area's Brian Sussman have made so much about Barack Obama not being 'black enough' because his background doesn't include slavery (even though it does), I dip into a handy jar of snark to ask:

Is Rev. Al Sharpton black enough for y'all? Should he announce a presidential bid?

The Ministry has received 2 comment(s) on this topic.

Brin - 2007-02-28 03:53:07
One should *always* keep a jar of snarks close to the computer. Especially when writing about politics.

Minister - 2007-02-28 16:11:02
Got it at Snark & Final, I did. On sale, even. :)