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A Rainbow Is An Upside-Down Circumzenithal Arc?

Friday, Feb. 23, 2007 2:06 PM

And God said, "This is the token of the covenant which I make between me and you � I do set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a token of a covenant between me and the earth."
� Genesis 9:12-13

Obviously God has a whimsical sense of humor on occasion, as recorded by Andrew Saffas, a Concord resident who photographed an upside-down rainbow.

Or, rather, a circumzenithal arc.

The lesson for those who insist on the Bible being one-hundred percent unvarnished accurate literal truth is that you can't put God in a box.

Why am I not reassured by the announcement that the Justice Department is launching the First Freedom Project?

Could it be the constant parade of anti-Islamic comments from people like Rep. Virgil Goode? How about the South Dakota State Legislature declaring Christianity the majority religion? A President who calls the Bible the only handbook you need to get through life? An administration where a Wiccan soldier can't get the symbol of his faith (a five-pointed star) upon his grave marker?

Right. We're going to protect religious freedoms, doubtless in the same way we've protected citizens' Fourth Amendement protections, habeas corpus, and posse comitatus.

And the guy telling us this is smiling Alberto Gonzales, noted for his dismissal of the Geneva Conventions as quaint and outmoded; for his opinion that if it doesn't involve organ failure, it's not torture; and for declaring before a Senate panel that the Constitution does not grant the privilege of habeas corpus.

Bull. Shit.

The track record of this administration and Alberto Gonzales speaks for itself.

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