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Core Beliefs?

Wednesday, Jan. 17, 2007 3:26 PM

Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense Charles Stimson, who openly criticized legal representation of detainees by reputable law firms, has now apologized, explaining that his remarks do not reflect his 'core beliefs.'

So this was just a lark, a flight of intellectual fancy? Something like Mel Gibson's anti-semitic tirade? It just came out of nowhere?

Excuse me while I call bullshit, Mr. Stimson. Loudly.

Senator John McCain is off trying to secure endorsements from Rev. Jerry Falwell and Focus on the Family's James Dobson.

McCain had previously labelled Falwell an extremist, then soft-pedaled that statement upon accepting a speaking engagement at Falwell's Liberty University.

Dobson has expressed his personal dislike of McCain, due to the senator's support of gay marriage and other issues.

For a man who seemed fairly centrist when he sought the Republican nomination � enough that I considered voting for him over a Democratic candidate ��McCain has now swung the opposite way.

I guess it's more important to secure the extremist Christian vote than it is to bring people across from the other side.

Speaking of extremists, it's interesting to note that ABC has hired Glenn Beck as a commentator on Good Morning America.

Beck, most recently seen on CNN, is the gentleman who questioned Congressman Keith Ellison's loyalty by asking him to prove he wasn't working for the enemy. He's also compared Senator Hillary Clinton to the Antichrist, and called Al Gore a Nazi for his views on global warming. (I'd like to think that if we're discussing the future of our planet, that we can do so in a serious and rational manner.)

Clearly, there's someone over in the executive branches of ABC that either subscribes to the kind of comments that Beck (and the local radio program hosts who have come under fire), or simply feels that they're smashing good radio/television. (Considering that ABC also airs programs like 'SuperNanny' and 'WifeSwap,' maybe the entire programming team at ABC has taken up residence in the intellectual sewer.)

Which of the products reflects Disney's 'core beliefs': Mickey and the gang, or Glenn Beck and his radio colleagues? Or is it an admission that the red-white-and-blue world of the Mickey Mouse Club is nothing more than a cheap veneer splashed over panty-less lushes like Britney Spears? (She's spotted at a nightclub almost every night, despite having two children to raise. And how's that new album coming along?)

A reminder that this is not about censorship. No one is asking for Beck or any of the others to be unilaterally taken off the air or gagged. That would only lend credibility to their views, a lesson that certain elements on the right have yet to process. (And regular readers know that I'm equally irritated with some of the clowns on the left purporting to represent my best interests.)

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