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Democratic Leadership, Day 2

Friday, Jan. 05, 2007 10:59 AM

A note to the new Democratic Majority in Congress:

If the President's signing statements, executive orders, and arrogation of powers circumventing the laws of this nation are problematic, then do something about it. Don't issue vague warnings at press conferences. Don't complain, then fail to vote against a measure because you think the courts will overturn it.

And don't you dare draft legislation affirming those selfsame powers. Mr. Bush is supposedly an adult, and needs to be held responsible for his decisions, not coddled.

You are not here to wring your hands and let things continue as they have. You were elected to make changes. It's time to wake up and punch holes in the senseless fear-mongering that has masqueraded as sound policy for the past six years.

The ethics package you brought to the floor yesterday is an excellent start.

It is important for you to remain on-message, so that Speaker Pelosi's leadership amounts to something more than herding cats.

Anyone noticing the deck chairs moving about?

� Rumsfeld resigns
� John Negroponte leaves the position of DNI to become Deputy Secretary of State
� White House Counsel Harriet Miers is leaving
��Generals Casey and Abizaid are being replaced

And Bruce Schneier points out this priceless bit of musical parody.

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