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Rosie's Racist Remark

Friday, Dec. 15, 2006 1:25 AM

When comedian Michael Richards imploded, angrily lashing out at black audience members who he perceived to be heckling him, Richards tried to explain that the outburst was how he worked on stage, a kind of stream-of-consciousness improv-from-hell gig.

Earlier this month, following actor Danny DeVito's intoxicated ramble on The View, Rosie O'Donnell (I'll leave off the 'comedienne,' as she was decidedly unfunny) described the coverage in China with a stereotypical mimicking of the Chinese language.

Today, she apologized. Sort of.

Like Richards, O'Donnell defended her comments as some kind of slap-dash, hell, that's what happens when I open my mouth, and it could even happen again, y'all need to loosen up. That's how her mind works, she insisted.

The sing-song nonsense that O'Donnell chose to spout is at least as old as I am � a good forty-plus years ��and it's still not funny. O'Donnell wishes to be a visible champion for LGBT causes and gay marriage, even coming to San Francisco to celebrate her long-term relationship with her partner ��but, whoops, out comes a racial stereotype that undermines any call for equality or open-mindedness.

It wasn't funny, Rosie.

And you need to make an open, honest apology instead of a weak excuse.

The Ministry has received 1 comment(s) on this topic.

Brin - 2006-12-15 04:07:57
Oh, we dopplegangered again! Rosie also chewed Kelly Ripa out on the assumption that Ripa's complaint about not knowing where Clay Aiken's hands had been was anti-gay. But oh well, Rosie isn't one to be bothered by silly nonsense like the fact that she's living a double standard when it comes to her point of view. Okay, Tag, you're it! :)