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Iraq Study Group vs. The Class Clown

Wednesday, Dec. 06, 2006 6:14 PM

So the much-ballyhooed report from the Iraq Study Group is in, and they solemnly announced that the situation in Iraq isn't the sunshine-and-rainbows parade the White House insists it is.

Naturally, the White House is quick to qualify the report as 'just one point of view,' which suggests nothing will be done. Phased withdrawals by 2008? A convenient way of making sure Iraq will be a key issue in the next presidential election, and passing the buck to whomever wins.

An ad campaign was unveiled in selected San Francisco bus shelters earlier this week, featuring the smell of fresh-baked cookies as part of a series of new Got Millk? posters.

The next day, MUNI had the scented strips removed � partly because the ad agency hadn't bothered to inform them of the gimmick, and partly because some commuters had complained, pointing out the danger of allergies.

Is it just me, or is there an unwritten rule that says we need to be saturated with scents? When Febreeze was originally introduced, it had no scent. Now, it only comes in assorted irritating fragrances, replacing offensive odors with another offensive odor.

It will be interesting to see how New York restaurants cope with the new law banning trans-fats.

Better yet, it will be interesting to see how the law will be enforced.

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