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Could It Be ��Satan?

Monday, Nov. 27, 2006 9:28 AM

Someone in Nancy Pelosi's office needs to get with the kriffing program. An anonymous 'aide to Speaker-elect Nancy Pelosi' was quoted as saying Congress needed to determine if President Bush's rationale for instituting his warrantless wiretapping program is valid ��that is, it's impossible to observe FISA's strictures and effectively chase terrorists.

It doesn't matter if it's inconvenient, it's illegal until the law is set aside or otherwise amended.

Yes, for the low, low price of $28, the Transportation Security Administration will process your background check in advance, allowing you to save time and skip those inconvenient security lines at airports.

Because we all know terrorists can't afford $28.

If your concern is security, you do not create a vulnerability by allowing a class of passengers to go through less-stringent security checks at the gate.

There seems to be an assumption is that a terrorist will be using a false name, or will show up on the no-fly list. (And I'd really like to see the people with the common names like Bob Smith apply for this kind of clearance, which shows that the whole no-fly list concept is just plain broken.)

From the Protecting Our Children Department comes efforts by parents in Fond DuLac, Wisconsin to ban Maya Angelou's autobiography from the high school curriculum.

They don't like the parts where Angelou talks about being raped and her subsequent unwanted pregnancy.

A homeowner's association in Colorado intends to fine a resident $25 a day until she takes down a Christmas wreath with a peace sign in it.

Bob Kearns, the president of the Loma Linda Homeowners' Association in Pagosa Springs claims several residents who have children serving in Iraq have complained, and that others believe the peace sign was a symbol of Satan.

"Somebody could put up signs that say, 'drop bombs on Iraq,'" Kearns explained. "If you let one go up, you have to let them all go up."

The offending homeowner is Lisa Jensen, a former president of the very same homeowners' association. It should be noted that the architectural control committee determined the wreath was merely a seasonal symbol and refused to order Jensen to take it down.

Kearns fired all five committee members.

The Ministry has received 1 comment(s) on this topic.

Brin - 2006-11-27 14:34:28
My husband John McLaughlin (A nefarious middle eastern moniker if ever there was one) got stopped and patted and waylaid and all sorts of crapola every time we traveled, until he began using his middle name when travelling. (No, we dont' know why John was evil and J Joseph was not.)