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Things Better Left Unsaid

Tuesday, Nov. 21, 2006 1:08 PM

When is America going to figure out that people like Bill O'Reilly are talking out of their arses? O'Reilly fired off a screed against iPods and computer geeks, denouncing their lack of social skills.

It should be noted that O'Reilly offers a podcast of his moronic pronouncements, as well as downloadable content for the online faithful.

Regarding actor/comedian Michael Richards' imploding onstage at an appearance at Los Angeles' Laugh Factory � I never watched Seinfeld (I did catch one or two episodes simply because a co-worker was watching it in the break room). So I'm not particularly distressed about seeing this man's career go into the toilet.

It's not that he used a pejorative term for African Americans. It's when Richards decided to enumerate the blessings of the black people in the audience, pointing out that, fifty years ago, they'd have been lynched ��and suggesting that Richards would be presiding over it, or at least cheering things along.

As with Mel Gibson, this kind of hatred doesn't simply appear out of nowhere. It has to have roots within the person, and Richards has shown off a well-tended garden of vituperation.

And the book that should never have been written or published is going to be destroyed. Publisher Judith Regan will have to find cathartic release in some other way, rather than giving voice to an abuser and likely murderer.

Still, a healthy dose of cynicism tells me that there are likely to be galley proofs that will end up on eBay.

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