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Democrats? Clowns!

Friday, Nov. 10, 2006 1:05 PM

First, what's with the Democrats pulling the clown car act in regards to the Speakership? Rahm Emanuel apparently thinks he deserves the job for the can of whup-ass he opened up on Election Day; others are pointing at Jack Murtha.

If you don't stand behind Nancy Pelosi, you will be perceived as fractious and ineffective. 100 hours, 100 days, 100 years ��you will achieve nothing but to provide Republicans with talking points that will last for years.

And, Charlie Rangel, that includes you. I don't care if Dick Cheney has a nice office in the Capitol. First, he's still the Vice President, with a seat in the House. Second, after all the yammering President Bush did on 'they're already picking out the drapes!', perhaps you ought to rein in your covetous tongue and think about doing the work the electorate put you there for.

I understand that '100 Hours' begins once the Democrats appoint the new Speaker of the House, but this is ridiculous. Can't the Democrats even run five yards without tripping over their shoelaces?

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