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Strengthening America Through Propaganda

Wednesday, Aug. 02, 2006 12:55 AM

In a credible imitation of Donald Rumsfeld, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice claimed a cease-fire in Lebanon would be possible in, "days, not weeks."

Why do we believe these people have any better grasp of the situation in Lebanon than they did in Iraq?

And the Wall Street Journal is reporting that the White House Press Room is slated for a high-tech makeover. Gone will be the blue curtain and solemn plaque; in its place, a video wall that can display stirring montages of patriotic sentiment, charts, graphs, and theme-clarifying banners.

It is supposedly part of a subtle (how a glowing video wall qualifies as subtle is beyond me) but sweeping effort by the Bush Administration to deliver their message directly to the public.

Frankly, if the weasels at the podium can't express themselves properly, a video wall won't rescue 'em.

The system would also allow the video feed from the press room to be switched � that is, a home viewer might be shown a remote participant or information that the White House doesn't want chewed, spun, and regurgitated by the press.

Or, rather, you'll get only the White House spin. Remember that this is the administration that packaged video news releases favoring their policies, had a ringer in the press pool, paid media outlets in Iraq to run favorable stories, and believes that any perception of Iraq being a disaster is simply because the media wasn't getting the goodness out.

I imagine the new video wall will look something like this:

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