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Where Are We Going, And What's With The Handbasket?

Wednesday, Jul. 26, 2006 1:49 AM

Okay, all those who think Arlen Specter's bill, which would allow Bush to be sued for his misuse of signing statements, has a snowball's chance in hell of being signed into law by President Bush ... raise your hand.

It should be noted that another piece of pending legislation by Specter, which would appear to open the door to FISA review of the secret surveillance program, does nothing of the kind. It allows Bush to determine what gets reviewed.

It reminds me of the old Loony Tunes short where Bugs Bunny is messing with Daffy Duck and using Elmer Fudd as a patsy.

"Pwease, Mistuh Pwesident. What shwould we be doowing in Congwess?"

"Why, nothing at all, my boy. Nothing at all."

I sometimes wonder what the media is smoking.

An article from the Washington Post describes President Bush's plans to send more troops to Baghdad to help quell sectarian violence as a "fresh strategy."

Sounds like any number of Monday post-game football press conferences. "We need to freshen it up a bit. We're not as crisp as we should be. We need to get back where we need to be."

Even as he admits problems in Baghdad, Bush is still trying to make gold out of straw, insisting, ".... there are also places where progress is being made."

Well, shit, George, if the capital city is a fucking den of murderers, I ain't got much hope for the scattered outlying province.

And here comes the dreaded mission creep, from National Security Weasel Stephen Hadley. "This isn't about insurgency. This isn't about terror. This is about sectarian violence."

What was our original goal again? Draining the swamp? Where'd these fucking alligators come from, anyway?

Oh, and Nobel Laureate Betty Williams gets a boot to the head for saying, "I would love to kill George Bush."

It's not acceptable when conservative clowns like Ann Coulter and Pat Robertson call for the killing of judges, heads of state, and so on.

It's not acceptable for you to do the same.

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