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Another Fine Mess �

Thursday, Jul. 20, 2006 2:05 AM

A young man in Croatia is likely regretting his decision to race his motorcycle down a back road, photograph the spedometer's reading of 170 km (100 MPH), and post it on a local website.

Because the police found him three days later and issued him a speeding ticket.

Police also noted the motorcycle had been illegally imported from Slovenia and was not registered, which could lead to additional fines.

This year, if you want to attend Jonny Moseley's party, you have to pony up $48 for a good seat.

Instead of tying up a city street, as last year's sideshow in the midst of Pacific Heights did with snow and spectators, this year's event will be held at AT&T Park. Plans call for building a 100-foot high ramp that starts atop the scoreboard and runs 350 feet to the pitcher's mound.

Moseley and the show's sponsors, Icer Air, claim the change of venue is to avoid the fuss and controversy of dumping tons of snow onto a city street; fans who enjoyed the spectacle are calling it a sell-out to corporate interests.

It's even got a corporate sponsor, becoming the Esurance Icer Air 2006.

But Icer Air insists there was no way of topping last year's on-street performance, and that the move is a means of taking the event to the next level.

Would that be upper deck or mezzanine?

The Department of Homeland Security has decided terrorists don't ride the ferry from Canada.

In discussing the requirement for passports for travel between the United States and Canada, beginning January 1, 2007, Homeland Security Director Michael Chertoff said, "In particular, we will not be, for example, including in this set of regulations a requirement for passports for ferries or private watercraft, recognizing that this is a particular form of transportation that we don't want to interfere with."

So we're told terrorists are everywhere, that they're bent on killing Americans and bringing harm to our cities ��but somehow, they aren't going to be riding ferries or using private watercraft.

Bruce Schneier has this on his blog, with commentary from his readers.

And regarding Fraternity President George W. Bush's drive-by backrub of German Chancellor Angela Merkel ... it's sexual harassment under United States Federal Law, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Can't wait for Tony Snow's spin on this one.

The Ministry has received 1 comment(s) on this topic.

Janet - 2006-07-20 22:07:23
God probably told him it was okay to lay his hands on Angela. Robert Scheer wrote up at nice article on it.