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Playing To Lose

Friday, Jun. 16, 2006 1:16 AM

This is why the Democrats will lose in November.

Because they keep letting the Republicans frame the debate.

And, on top of that, they don't seem to know whether they're coming or going.

The Democrats can position themselves from here to next Sunday's talk shows, but unless they learn to stick to a coherent theme, they'll achieve nothing but a convincing imitation of a pet chipmunk in a wheel - forever running, making a big fuss, even putting convincing effort into it ... but ultimately getting nowhere.

It doesn't matter that President Bush has effectively come out and said, "I was wrong, but I still believe I did the right thing." It doesn't matter that he's admitted mistakes.

Because none of the Democrackpots can stick to an argument for more than 72 hours. They literally concede the point before they're in the ring.

Illegal wiretapping? Instead of emphasizing that Mr. Bush has repeatedly broken the law, they're off conceding that we really do need to spy on terrorists and, well, um, you see ...

General Michael Hayden's confirmation? "We're not sure we can trust you, General Hayden." "Sure you can." "Oh, okay, well, um, you see ..."

Not to mention, since the Democrats have abdicated their proper role of legislative oversight, even if the House and Senate had voted unanimously to suspend all military activity in Iraq, does anyone believe Bush and Rumsfeld would lift a finger (other than their middle one) to comply?

It's pathetic. The Republicans are basically inviting the Democrats to slit their own throats, and the Democrats are lining up for the chance.

Oh. Okay, well, um, you see ...

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