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Diplomacy - Or The Lack Thereof

Monday, May 22, 2006 1:38 AM

Diplomacy is on the table?

Not to hear Condoleezza Rice tell it. Making the rounds of the Sunday morning talking head shows, the Borg Queen Secretary of State Bitch Goddess of Neoconservatism firmly announced that, "Iran is a troublemaker in the international system, a central banker of terrorism. Security assurances are not on the table."

So, if you won't talk issues of security, and are browbeating European banks to levy financial and other economic sanctions against Iran, what's left? (Note also that our slamming the financial door on Hamas is actually increasing tensions, with Saudi Arabia warning about isolating the group.)

What's left? Give up your nuclear program or we'll beat the shit out of you.

Diplomacy is the art of negotiation. Iran gives us something we want, we give them something they want. Or we offer alternatives to security with nuclear arms as a cornerstone and make them practical.

By taking away avenues of civil discourse, the Bush Administration steers towards their personal favorite, pre-emptive war. Which, if you've just tuned in, is exactly what military action in order to prevent Iran from attaining their nuclear ambitions would be.

Even if the program exists (as it likely does), there are no measurable results. Since we're seemingly predisposed to military action, they might as well be damned for actually having things as not, and therefore see no gain in participating in a diplomatic bitch-slapping.

"What we're talking about is a package that will make clear to Iran that there are choices to be made," Rice explained.

'Tis Hobson's Choice - take that, or none.

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