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Immigrants Welcome (English Only)

Saturday, Apr. 29, 2006 2:23 AM

I'd like to know what's with the Bush Administration's cozy-cuddly business relationship with Dubai. First was the ill-conceived ports deal; now, we're selling off plants that make precision-machined components for tanks and aircraft.

But, somehow, advocates of the deal are telling us the same security concerns that sank the ports deal aren't a factor in this new economic hand-job.

Even Senator Charles Schumer (D- N.Y.) draws a distinction between services and a product.

But somehow, poliiticians are convinced that fraud or malice would be easily detected, and therefore we're not at risk.

A Spanish version of the Star-Spangled Banner is drawing criticism, and President Bush has voiced his disapproval, saying he doesn't believe the National Anthem has the same value in Spanish as it does in English.

"And I think people who want to be a citizen of this country ought to learn English," Bush affirmed. "And they ought to learn to sing the National Anthem in English."

I'm sorry, but the foremost means of disseminating information about America and its values is its universal appeal. America's fight for independence is historical, and if, as Mr. Bush has said, there's an innate desire to be free, it is expressed in one's native language.

But Bush believes, "One of the things that's very important is when we debate this issue that we not lose our national soul."

No doubt, that's why we're busy indulging in torture, secret prisons, and illegal domestic spying efforts. We're concerned about our national soul.

Bush also denounced the idea of immigrant work stoppages planned for this coming Monday, though he maintains he favors an overhaul of immigration laws.

And, regarding steadily-increasing fuel prices, Mr. Bush proclaimed that "I have no evidence that there is any rip-off taking place."

That's it, folks. Less than a week's investigation into concerns over price-fixing and obscene profiteering by oil companies, and Bush has the answer.

An answer that is almost identical to the one given in response to questions about California's Energy Crisis and malfeasance on the part of Enron.

Of course, if it were a question of price-fixing, then Mr. Bush's grand gesture of sparing a portion of deposits from the Strategic Reserve would be meaningless. (It's pretty much meaningless to begin with - has anyone noticed prices going down?)

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