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Banning Harry Potter

Friday, Apr. 21, 2006 12:53 AM

Parents in Gwinnett County, Georgia, are debating whether or not the Harry Potter novels should be banned from school libraries.

Because, As Everyone Knows, the Harry Potter books are a portal to evil, luring our children into witchcraft through its talk of spells and potions, its wand-waving, and its incantations.

"I want to protect my kids, children and others from evil," proclaims Laura Mallory. "Not fill their minds with it."

Big Hint: Evil does not always dress in long black robes and speak parseltongue. The Pharisees were not members of House Slytherin. The Apostles did not play Quidditch in their spare time.

Not unexpectedly, one teenager addressed the board, bemoaning her own trip to the dark side, affirming that her exposure to Hogwart's most famous student had her and her friends practicing witchcraft by the sixth grade.

By the seventh grade, she was so depressed that she planned to committ suicide.

And It's All Harry Potter's Fault.

I'd like to know, if you're raising your kids to be so squeaky clean, why are they at risk of suddenly becoming aspiring witches after a few pages of sage wisdom from Albus Dumbledore?

Could it be that young women appreciate models like Hermoine Granger, who are intelligent, capable, and beautiful? That bookish lads take comfort in Harry Potter's triumphs over an assortment of evils, whereas, in the real world, they get dismissed as wimps, nerds, and geeks?

Harry Potter is make-believe. It's fiction. Even real witches know that.

Apparently, some Christians don't.

The Ministry has received 1 comment(s) on this topic.

Brin - 2006-04-21 01:22:22
Christians.... Christians... Oh, CHRISTIANS! Aren't they the ones that are perpetually threatened with death if they don't believe in a specific set of invisible superfriends? No WONDER they're so confused!