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Sack the QB!

Monday, Apr. 17, 2006 12:54 AM

One of these days, you'd think the White House would realize their habitual use of literal truths is, at long last, drawing increasing skepticism from the public.

A case in point being the vigorous defense of Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld. You see, the generals had their chance to speak out against the war plans for Iraq, and they apparently didn't. Nope. Every last one of 'em agreed. Not a single doubt or concern, just gonna march right into Baghdad and it'll all be over in three months, if that.

Thus, the complaints of a half-dozen retired generals are nothing more than sour grapes, or some such nonsense.

So the Pentagon couldn't tell a crappy battle plan from a good one without some generals stepping up and saying so? If that's the case, then Rumsfeld really needs to be sacked.

The public is being fed another such line with the 'all options are on the table,' talk about dealing with Iran. Just because a bowl of broccoli is on the dining room table next to the carrots and creamed corn does not mean Junior is going to give equal consideration to the broccoli.

Of course, we all know the real truth about Don Rumsfeld ...

... he's a Dark Lord of the Sith.

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