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Errors? What Errors?

Thursday, Apr. 06, 2006 12:00 AM

Remember those 'tactical errors' that Condoleezza Rice referred to during her recent stop on the Pimp the War Tour '06?

In a radio interview, when Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld was asked about Rice's assessment, Dapper Don replied, "I don't know what she was talking about, to be perfectly honest."

Rumsfeld went on to say that Condi's use of the word 'errors' reflects a lack of understanding of warfare, and that 'no plan survives contact with the enemy.'

I think that when your plan underestimated the cost, the time, the reaction of the populace, the insurgency, and your ability to complete civil projects, it's a bad plan, and the enemy has very little to do with it.

And Senator John Kerry puts another tick in the Democrats' clueless column, by recommending a deadline for democracy in Iraq.

I've said it before - now that we've turned their country into an insurgent-infested cesspool, we can hardly gaze down from the heights and wonder why they haven't gotten a government together yet.

I think we should finish the job in Iraq, instead of breaking off like a kid with attention-deficit disorder and leaving yet another key issue flopping about behind us.

Let's try holding the Bush Administration accountable, instead of bitching about what the Iraqis are or are not doing, hm?

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